This typology of coaching is oriented to team-cohesion, team-bonding and lifting the degree of cooperation toward a commonly shared objective. This is interactive so it refers to groups below fifteen participants or less, this number guarantees everyone can bring interventions and opinions to the training. The group sessions are tailored around the nature of the company, the size, the industry, the individuals that compose the team, the age, gender, cultures, orientation, clients and audience. The very first step for the EI coach is to Observe and Listen to what the client expects, what the targets are and information about the individuals that form the team. Sometimes teams are good already and the Group EI Coaching helps move from-good-to-great for the benefit of the team itself, the clients and the company holistically. Thanks to group coaching the team components can, ultimately, self-govern themselves without the need for managers or employers, they get to know each other strengths and weaknesses in an emotionally safe environment in which comments are oriented to support help, never to criticize or denigrate, in the presence of the coach first and by themselves once the communication style is emotional-intelligence-oriented.
The degree of cooperation grows and, most importantly, the group’s individuals are enthusiastic, which practically means higher engagement, commitment, attention to detail and, colleagues themselves. They will enjoy the leadership attitude, leadership style and leadership philosophy, ultimately, they will not need to be retained once they feel listened to!
People do not leave bad companies; they leave bad leaders.
If You are a Leader, please ensure the team is listened to and cared for, if You aim to succeed.