Arthur Voukeng, Volleyball National Team Cpt, Charity CEO, Entrepreneur, Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Elite Athlete’s Self-Management, Team Management, Entrepreneurship & Leadership.
Nick Atzeni

EI Interview – Arthur Voukeng

Arthur Voukeng is the Cameroonian National Volleyball Team captain, class 1992, the owner and CEO of Domino Charity and the Founder & CEO of ALM Creative Studios.

He is among the five best volleyball players in all of Africa. A 203cm tall Middle Blocker, keen and smart entrepreneur, and an all-rounded healthy influencer.

Incredibly humble and grounded, Arthur gave us a proper 360-degree view of how Emotional Intelligence is essential for managing, competing and eventually succeeding both athletically and entrepreneurially.

“You train the mind first, before the body.

You build a winner inside before building a winner outside.”

Emotional Intelligence is the phase-zero, which comes before adding anything.

Arthur played in Turkey, China, and travelled to many countries, it has been insightful hearing what an athlete goes through when he reaches a certain level of athletic commitment, we dialogued about How important is Self-Management both during a transfer and before important competitions.

We have had the chance to conversate on a series of topics both from the athletic and the professional point of view.

How do You manage Your own emotions in those high-pressure scenarios?

How important is understanding other’s emotions to support Team Performance?

“Emotional Stability and Emotional Intelligence comes first, before Talent” said Arthur. It determines the Player You will be, Your degree of Discipline and how You manage the relationships with Yourself and others.

“EI played a fundamental role in my career, for decision-making, resilience, determination, and not to be discouraged so easily”.

“Every athlete at high level must embrace Emotional Intelligence training to be (or become) a professional athlete.”

As an Entrepreneur instead: What practically do You do in order to build and maintain that psycho-emotional safe environment?

How do You develop Team Cohesion? What is Company Culture?

“You have to use Your EI to develop their EI, You must lead by example”.

They are only 20 minutes but very dense in insights and content.

Thanks, Arthur, for the three tips directed to other entrepreneurs to bullseye the human aspect in every professional group of people.

“EI is an asset of the company, takes time and effort to build and I really recommend doing it”

Thanks once more Arthur, I really enjoyed the content and Your willingness to share Your experiences and expertise for the common good.

Enjoy the interview and stay blessed!

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