Roy Wells, Public Affairs Firm’s President and Managing Director, Pennsylvania, US.

Leadership Culture Implementation, Employees’ and Client’s Relationships
Nick Atzeni

EI Interview – Roy Wells

Roy Wells is the President and Managing Director of Triad Strategies, an established Public Affair Firm in Pennsylvania, United States.

People work with Roy in order to create Relationships with Decision-Makers at all levels of Government.

With over three decades of experience and always-growing expertise, Roy promotes Relationships, inside and outside the firm. I had the chance to meet Roy at Oxford University Business School where we were attending a course together and from 2020, we stayed in touch having from time to time extremely insightful conversations about Humans and the Workplace with an emphasis on performance and creating a competitive advantage.

Roy is a human-centred Leader and it has been great to hear from him how tangibly a Leadership Culture is implemented into a company’s day-to-day practice.

We mentioned the Team-Centric approach and the 30 Fundamental Behaviours Roy integrated in the company, every week they practice one and every thirty weeks the practice restarts.

We rationalised how a behaviour, especially when it becomes a leading culture and style, can be the competitive advantage of a company, attracting clients not just for the outstanding service but as well for the personal touch and human orientation that a corporate can offer.

Mindset drives Behaviours, Behaviour drives Performance, Performance drives Outcomes, this is Triad Strategies’ mantra and we wanted to know more about this sequence from Roy.

How does a mindset become a tangible outcome and why they are tightly connected?

There is as well a book-suggestion that I won’t spoil, I leave You to the interview!

Roy, I personally thank You and surely many Leaders all over the planet will be inspired by Your contributions and suggestions.

Once again, I thank for Your words on Emotional Intelligence and my professionalism, inspiring and motivational.

Enjoy the interview and stay blessed!

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