Elias Theil, Footbar Netherlands Country Manager

Footbar Dutch Country Manager: Leadership and Self-Awareness
Nick Atzeni
EI Case Study - Elias Theil part 2 of 2

EI Case Study – Elias Theil

Elias Theil is the Netherlands Country Manager for Footbar and one of the youngest leaders around.

In this interview, he shared his impression and benefits gained from the test report and EI session, we rationalised how Technical-Physical and Psycho-Emotional Profiles can work together and provide a comprehensive and wide prospect of the players, critically useful for the athlete, for the coach, and broadly for the club.

I met Elias at the RFEF Royal Spanish Football Federation in Madrid, last July, during The Showcase International event. We have both been called by Marc Bautista, the CEO to empower the athletes with Technical and Physical data (Footbar) and Psycho-Emotional knowledge and tools (Emotional Intelligence training and assistance).

Footbar is an innovative company dedicated to improving the performance of soccer players, helping all players analyse their physical and technical statistics. Elias is responsible for the Relationships, New Acquisitions and for Leading the Team working with him, as well as Reporting to the Managing Directors and Top Board.

Elias, as mentioned in the Testimonial, got intrigued by the Emotional Intelligence assistance provided to the players and decided to have a chat and understand more about this topic, the structure, the benefits, and the practical implementation.

Three months after Madrid’s event we finally had the chance to have a Strengths Profile session with the questionnaire that he fulfilled himself and that we interpreted together during the one-to-one session.

We had the chance to talk about Leadership and his Leadership Style and Culture, ranging into Personal life, Professional ambitions, goals and targets related to family and workplace.

The Boss commands, the Manager organises, and the Leader inspires. We are all of them, in different moments and with different degrees depending on the context.

This is the statement that Elias loved the most but I want to leave You to the quick interview, his open-mindedness regarding the psychology and emotional involvement aspect of soccer players and more broadly of the cooperators and colleagues in the workplace, are truly pleasant and insightful to listen to.

Thank You Elias, and please consider me available and happy to meet You again!

The future ahead is bright!

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