Christelle Ngueping, Miss R&B Cameroon 2017

Miss R&B Cameroon 2017, Fitness Coach, Author, Chief of Ceremonies. Self-Knowing, Time & Tasks Management
Nick Atzeni
EI Case Study -Christelle Ngueping part 2 of 2

EI Case Study – Christelle Ngueping

Christelle Ngueping’s testimonial focuses on the benefits gained from a series of coaching sessions tailored around personality and tailored around life ambitions, transition period and personal tendencies toward tasks both personal and professional.

Christelle has been Miss Cameroon 2017 “ronde et belle” and decided to share her confidence and philosophy with her audience and followers. Now she is a fitness trainer and her focus is to transmit the concept of fitness as a life routine and as a way of wellbeing.

Her approach differs from the canonical get-thin fitness and implements the philosophy of training as an activity to keep You healthy, happy and socially connected, her big and famous smile is tangible proof of her philosophy!!!

She recently wrote a book “How I have made fitness a life routine” available in French language in Cameroon with which she is helping her audience to relate and engage in this life-changing attitude. Sport and Fitness are not necessarily for losing weight or following the social media requirements but a way to feel better about Yourself and the Community she built and that is every day growing.

In her testimonial, she shared what were the best outcomes from the EI coaching she experienced, what were her weaknesses and how the coaching helped her to overcome them. Less is More, Enjoy and Trust the Process are the pinpointed main concepts she found beneficial. Importantly she mentions the Psycho-Emotional Safety Space built together with the coach that allowed her to openly discuss a variety of private delicate topics.

Christelle invites people to “TRY” this typology of coaching, emphasising the point that this is not for foolish people, not a sign of weakness but a sign of strengths and courage, a good pathway toward self-development embracing humbly our limits and seeking behavioural guidance in order to modify them with an orientation toward achievement and success, toward efficiency and self-satisfaction and actualisation.

Thank You Chris for Your valuable contribution and for supporting people to engage with this niche of personal coaching, embracing self-knowing and awareness, and attuning to their emotions and behaviours to facilitate success and tranquillity in life whilst achieving goals and fulfilling ambitions.

Stay blessed Chris, once more, thank You for Your insightful contribution!

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