How does the Emotional Balance Influence Performance in the Workplace and Sports

Nick Atzeni

How does the Emotional Balance Influence Performance in the Workplace and Sports

How does the Emotional Balance influence Performance both in the Workplace and in Sports?
I am touching this point today as a result of a recent topic I went through more deeply, thanks to FC Barcelona-Univ and another Sports Psychology course I enrolled in months ago. Having a former degree of experience with business owners, and their teams in non-sportive companies, I see plenty of similarities about how to improve performance in the sports industries as well.
I firmly believe that we are People yet before being Experts, undeniably, when we feel well (emotionally, physically, and psychologically) we behave greatly, and every action becomes a work of art, a masterpiece.
The company or club will consequently benefit.

The goal is for the subjects that we train or work with to have, firstly, a base level of harmony or socio-affective emotional balance, and secondly, that their immediate environment be supportive and they do not feel isolated in a [sports/ professional] career aimed at high performance. This foundation is imperative.
Emotions, which can trigger multiple manifestations, must be explicitly worked on. Currently, there is a strong focus on emotional intelligence and there is a variety of information available on this concept which is so broad and diverse […]
Achieving positive [athletic/professional] results involves training and refining innumerable physical, emotional and psychological variables. Many [athletes/ professionals], although highly-skilled at the physical or intellectual level, do not perform well […] due to a lack of socio-affective support, meaning that their emotional variables are out of balance.
As psychologists and coaches, the first step–before implementing intervention strategies aimed at improving [athletic/or professional] performance –is to analyse the athlete [the human] individually to gain an understanding of their immediate (socio-emotional) environment.

Widening our perspectives from the Sports industries to any Workplace: Humans are driven by positive emotions, which are the true health and wealth of a company.
When the humans in any company are emotionally cared for, listened and looked after, they do not need to be retained, nor to be re-engaged. They feel motivated, attentive, and focused, they cooperate one with the other, and ultimately, they self-govern tasks with proactivity and unity.
Emotions are the key factor to care about, and the (re)source of positive thoughts and informed behaviours.
Emotional Behavioural Intelligence can be of great benefit to Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Team leaders and Team members in either sportive or non-sportive workplaces, at any level.
My humble advice is not to let those emotions suppress, hindering human potential but embrace them and make them work for higher work satisfaction and performance degrees.

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